Members of the Ventura County Women’s Forum Collaborative (VCWFC) are organizations and individuals that support the vision and goals outlined below.

Membership dues are $25 Organization / $15 Individual annually from September - August.

Member Organizations shall identify a representative who will serve as a liaison between their organization and the VCWFC, providing input to the VCWFC, encouraging participation by their organization’s membership in VCWFC activities, and sharing contact information from their members for the VCWFC invitation list, when possible.

Individual members and organizational representatives may participate in the planning and implementation of VCWFC events through the Steering Committee as well as run for elected positions, such as President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the 501(c)3 or Steering Committee Chairpersons.

Individual members may attend these events free of charge. Member Organizations are entitled to two free passes for these events, will be listed as members on, and will be provided shared table space to display materials at VCWFC events. Additional special events may require a fee.


To bring to Ventura County women the most current UN Women’s Priorities and encourage organizations to adopt projects within their own missions that would address them.


  • To hold a public forums and events around UN Women’s Priorities. 

  • To develop action plans to improve the lives of women in Ventura County. 

  • To collaborate with organizations and individuals concerned about the welfare of women in Ventura County. 

  • To model collaborative work. 

  • To incorporate leadership opportunities and training as part of the planning process, as well as within each forum.

  • To become a member, please complete the form below, or email the following information to, and make a payment via the DONATE button below.
