Please consider joining forces with us to ensure the success of the Ventura County Women's Forum Collaborative! Our forums have become signature events for women in Ventura County, providing a vehicle for women from all sectors to come together to tackle the issues that stand as barriers to gender equality and equal opportunity.  

Participating organizations have included AAUW Camarillo Branch; CAUSE; CAWA/WIN; CBW (Concerned Black Women of Conejo Valley); Community Action of Ventura Co. Inc.; Congress of California Seniors; California State Univeristy, Channel Islands; Democratic Women's Council of Conejo Valley, Ventura County Women's Political Council; Business and Professional Women of the Conejo Valley; SEIU 721; Planned Parenthood of Santa Barbara, Ventura, and San Luis Obispo Counties; Ventura County Reproductive Rights Network; and Learning in Communities. 

You may sponsor a specific event, or we also accept donations on an ongoing basis to cover attendance costs for students and women of limited financial means interested in attending our events, operating costs (e.g., website hosting, PO Box fees), and event costs.


For more information about sponsorships, send an email inquiry to